Sham, who stole Zoro’s two swords, throws them to the ground. When Zoro tries to attack him, Sham appears to have been hit, but then manages to pin Zoro, showing that he was never cut. Buchi then jumps into the air and tries to hit Zoro with a Cat Pound, but Zoro escapes. Buchi and Sham attack Zoro relentlessly, forcing Zoro to defend himself. Usopp tries to help, but Zoro takes the attack to keep the focus of the attack on himself. Seeing an opportunity, Buchi and Sham cut open Zoro’s chest. Nami runs for Zoro’s swords, but Jango stops her by throwing his disk at her. The disc cut her shoulder and injured her. Kuro appears at the top of the slope and shocks the Black Cat Pirates.
Zoro demands that Sham hand over his swords, but Sham refuses. Sham throws Zoro’s swords aside to fight Zoro, which deeply angers Zoro. Zoro cuts Sham as he believes Sham is done, Zoro heads for his swords only to find that Sham survived as Zoro was only able to cut through the shirt as Sham is really thin. Buchi enters the fray as Sham holds Zoro down. Zoro manages to throw Sham aside and barely dodges the attack; the ground breaks where Buchi hits it.
Realizing that he has to fight the pair with one sword and can’t do anything, Zoro also notes that if Buchi hits him with this technique, it will break every bone in his body. The pair strike at Zoro in a fury of cat scratches and Zoro can only fend off the pair for now. Usopp fires his slingshot in an attempt to help Zoro, but Zoro takes damage and gets hit by Buchi. Nami angrily tells off Usopp for his failed attempt, but Usopp says that Zoro hit on purpose. Zoro yells at them that if they hit the pair, the Nyaban brothers will come after them instead.
Nami tries to get Zoro’s swords for him, but when she gets close, so does Jango, and he slashes her with the ring. Suddenly Jango gets a bad feeling and the two Nyaban brothers get scared beyond belief. At the top of the slope stands Kuro. Kuro wants to know why dawn has passed and his plan isn’t moving.