The Straw Hat Pirates arrive at Baratie’s restaurant, where they clash with Naval Lieutenant Fullbody, resulting in Luffy indirectly damaging a nearby restaurant. While inside Baratia, Fullbody tries to impress his date, but the Sous Chef serving them makes a fool of the man. Meanwhile, Luffy tries to negotiate with the chef about the damage the young boy caused to his restaurant. In an attempt to get revenge on the waiter who embarrassed him, Fullbody fails and is left in a broken state by said waiter.
As the crew approaches the Baratie, a floating fish-shaped restaurant, Marine “Iron Fist” Fullbody appears to be entertaining a young lady. Johnny and Yosaku hide to avoid being seen while Johnny cries that he lost to the captain of a crew that has only been around for a few days. Fullbody admits he knows who the pair of bounty hunters are and insults them, they try to attack him, but are insulted off the page for their efforts. Luffy insults them for “sucking up” what they are. Fullbody gives them a warning that he’s off duty and won’t beat them this time, but if they’re a problem again, he’ll simply beat them.
Wanted posters fly out of his pocket as Jonny falls to the ground, Nami picks one up and is suddenly distant. Despite what he said, Fullbody keeps his word and decides to sink their ship. With his Gomu Gomu no Mi ability, Luffy bursts like a balloon and sends the cannonball flying back. However, he missed and accidentally hit Baratie.
Inside, Fullbody and his date are enjoying their meal, she notices that all eyes are on him, but he flatters her by saying that all eyes are on her. He then drinks some wine and tries to identify him and asks for confirmation from the waiter, but the wine he ordered before his date was not the wine he got and the waiter turns out to be Sanji’s sous chef. After leaving a red face, Fullbody gets comments from her date.
Meanwhile, Luffy is pulled up by Chef Zeff. An agreement is made that Luffy must work for 1 year to pay off his debt. Luffy’s crew wonders where Luffy got to.
Fullbody tries to get back at Sanji by putting a fly in the soup he was given. Sanji flirts with his date, and when insects are brought up, Sanji brushes it off and just says he’s not an insect expert. With his date now laughing in his face, Fullbody smashes the table to the ground. Sanji just hands it over and says he can take the insect off since it’s not important since Fullbody finished eating anyway. When his date yells for him to stop, Fullbody goes to punch Sanji. The other chefs beg Sanji not to react. The entire body is left covered in blood as Sanji hammers into him with his chef ideals. He makes a passing remark that he shouldn’t curse at a cook in the middle of the sea because it’s suicide.