Two more Baroque Works agents appear in Whiskey Peak: Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. They came to kill the traitor Arabastas who discovered the identity of their boss, Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday.
Luffy wakes up for a second, but soon goes back to sleep. The members of the Baroque Works, Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday, attempt to escape from the Straw Hats. However, to their horror, Mr. 13 and Miss Friday spot them. Suddenly they hear someone ordering them to stop. They turn to see two more Baroque Works members holding guns at them. They will ask them to identify themselves and they will respond with their screen names.
Meanwhile, Zoro sits and drinks. Mr. 8 stands up badly injured and sees Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine behind him. The two officer agents reveal that Miss Wednesday is Nefertari Vivi, the princess of Arabasta, and Mr. 8 is Igaram, her servant. Zoro watches from above, oblivious. Mr. 9 is surprised and bows to Vivi while Vivi yells at him for being so stupid. Zoro grabs Luffy and sprints away.
Mr. 5 announces that they are here to kill the two traitors, but Mr. 9 stands in front of Vivi and says that he cannot let his partner die. Mr. 5 hits him with an explosive. As Zoro comments on Mr. 5’s exploding rioter Igaram begs Zoro to save Vivi. As he escapes to the Karoo, Nami appears. He suggests that he will save Vivi if he pays Bela 1,000,000,000.