Luffy runs after Don Krieg because he is angry at how he treated Gin. Meanwhile, Patty and Carne give Gino the antidote extracted from the gas mask as he is suffering from Krieg’s poison bomb.
Don Krieg is amused by Luffy’s movement and fires several spikes from his weapon at him. Luffy doesn’t waver and accepts the pain to get closer to the enemy. Eventually, Luffy reaches Don Krieg after suffering several stab wounds and prepares to attack. At the last moment, Krieg takes cover behind a cloak of spikes. Despite this protection, Luffy delivers a confident blow to Krieg’s jaw through the spiked cloak, sending him to the ground. Luffy declares that he will not die here.
After Don Krieg detonates the MH5 gas bomb, he further angers Luffy and Sanji by claiming that Gin is trash and it is right to die by his own hands as his commander. Krieg’s crew can’t believe what is happening to Gino at Krieg’s hands. Patty and Carne emerge from the restaurant and Sanji immediately calls out to them so Baratie can give them some antidote. They show some hesitation to help the enemy, but Sanji urges them to comply. Zeff lets them know that they need to put a gas mask on him immediately to use up any antitoxin that might be left in it. Then take him to the upper deck for cleaner air, as this might be the only way to save him. Patty and Carne are stunned by this quickly placed wisdom until Sanji snaps them out of their stupor and they rush to help.
Luffy gets angry at Krieg and tells Gino that he cannot die and must survive to spite his terrible captain. Krieg estimates Gino has about an hour to live. Luffy vows to defeat Krieg no matter what, but Gin is still certain that he cannot defeat Krieg. He gets carried away and Luffy turns to confront the pirate captain, but is held back by Sanji, who doesn’t want him killed. But Luffy pulls his hand away and firmly declares, “I’m not going to die,” then dives headlong towards Krieg, fearing no bullet or stake. Sanji is forced to accept Luffy’s decision, and Krieg sneers at Luffy’s stubbornness – which he sees as reckless stupidity.
Don Krieg mocks his repeated attempts as he drops bombs on the bridge in front of him and welcomes Luffy to his grave. The explosion again creates a wave that covers the bridge in sheets of water and Krieg fires another round of stakes. Sanji hears the stakes make contact with Luffy, and Krieg notes that his enemy would rather die than retreat with mild intrigue. Defying all norms, Luffy walks through the mist, now with a stake in his side and left shoulder, but otherwise undeterred. He uses Krieg’s tactics against him as he flips forward to hit the surface of the water with his outstretched leg. He reaches out behind him, intending to blast him through the water curtain. Seeing that he is determined to strike no matter the cost, Krieg thinks quickly and uses his porcupine cloak, a fabric studded with spikes large enough to cover his entire body. He thinks he’s invulnerable, but Luffy delivers a good blow to his jaw despite his fist hitting a field of spikes. For the first time in the fight, Krieg was sent to the ground.
Luffy then asks Krieg if it is his grave or Krieg’s as he pulls the pin from his shoulder. He claims he doesn’t have the sneaky weapons of Krieg, but he’s still a viable fighter who won’t die here. Sanji watches and claims that Luffy is crazy, but Zeff tells him to watch Luffy fight. While Zeff talks to Sanji, the situation with Gin develops as Patty and Carne tend to him on the upper deck of the restaurant. Trying to make sure he’s breathing, Patty suggests making him some food, to which Carne replies that he’s already been poisoned once today. They start to argue, but are interrupted when they hear Gin start hacking and coughing. Zeff goes on to tell Sanji that it’s not often that a person comes along who won’t stop fighting once they have their eyes on a specific target. Regardless of whether Luffy wins or loses this fight, he’s the type of man Zeff respects, and that makes Sanji think.
The Krieg pirates start to get nervous and the chefs start encouraging Luffy who has been possessed by his spirit. Krieg rises from the ground and punches Luffy in anger, grabbing his shoulder pad and smiling as he fires the built in cannon. But he pays for this misjudgment when Luffy runs away from the explosion and hooks his leg around Krieg’s neck, knocking him down a second time.