Sanji’s flashback: Sanji’s 85 days without food.
Sanji tried to divide his small portion of food wisely, but after 25 days he was left with only one piece of moldy bread. He only saw one ship that didn’t even see him pass. After 70 days, weak and hopeless, he decided to reach Zeff to steal his food.
When he arrived he found that Zeff’s sack was still almost full. He became enraged and approached Zeff with a knife, declaring that he was taking his food and not caring for him. However, when Sanji opened the sack, he found that it was full of treasures. Sanji realized that Zeff gave him all the food and that he only survived by eating his own leg. When asked why he was being so stupid when they hated each other, the pirate revealed that he too believed in All Blue and was trying to find her in the Grand Line. However, now that he no longer had his crew, he could no longer realize this dream. He decided that if they were rescued, he would quit piracy and start a restaurant.
A miracle happened, after 85 days the ship that Sanji saw came back and saved them.
Back in the present, Sanji’s behavior makes more sense: in memory of the old man who saved his life, he won’t let anyone kill him or steal his last dream.