Luffy, Law and Kid’s crews engage in combat and defeat the rest of the marines outside the Auction Hall. The three captains promise to meet and fight in the New World. Luffy’s crew escape with the help of Rosa’s Life Riders. A mysterious figure that looks like Kuma captures Kid and Law and starts attacking them with lasers.
A rescue team of sailors enter the Human Auction House through the back door to ensure the safety of the Sky Dragons. Law throws the head he previously detached back to the marines, shocking them as the head can still talk and feel its body. Law uses his powers to dismember many soldiers. Luffy goes into Gear 3. Kid uses his power to pull the marines’ weapons towards him. The force is so strong that even the weapons inside the house fly to Kid, who uses it to build a massive metal arm. Captains attack soldiers as their crews leave.
The soldiers are ordered to attack pirates without Devil Fruit abilities. Kid warns Luffy that they will not be shown mercy the next time they meet. Luffy replies that he will be the one to find the One Piece and laughs. Kid stares at him and Killer defeats a soldier who tries to attack Kid. Kid tells Killer that they are going to the ocean where people who don’t have the guts to say they will find One Piece will die. The Kid Pirates attack the approaching soldiers. The soldier is about to slash Law but is defeated by Bepo. The Rosy Life Riders arrive and are ready to go. The straw pirates defend themselves as they run towards the riders so they can escape.
Law frees Saint Rosward’s slave, Jean Bart, and invites him to join his crew. He accepts as long as it means being freed from the sky dragons. Law tells Bart to also thank Luffy for allowing his freedom. The Straw Hats escape on flying fish except for Franky who complains about Motobara’s speed.
Kid is shot with a beam and angrily asks why his attacker is on the island. The Heart Pirates run away and break the bridge behind them. At sea, Motobaro moves at a faster pace thanks to Franky’s modifications. They walk past Grove 8 and Duval says that should be where Peterman’s base is. The Heart Pirates run into the Kid Pirates. Law asks why the sea warrior is there. Law emerges from the beam attack unscathed. Noting that he doesn’t want to run into the admiral on top of all the people he’s met, Law says he’ll make him let them pass, misidentifying his attacker, a pacifist, as Bartholomew Kuma.