Usopp defeats Chew. Nami starts heading towards Arlong Park. Sanji and Zoro have a hard time against Arlong. Fishman tries to convince her to be his cartographer by blackmailing her with the lives of the villagers, but Nami refuses. Luffy wakes up and Sanji starts swimming to relax his legs while Zoro keeps Arlong busy. Usopp arrives and shoots Arlong to distract him. Hatchan starts to stand up.
The chapter starts right after Usopp sets Chew on fire. Chew starts to run towards the pool of water, but Usopp comes from behind and hits him with Usopp’s hammer towards the water. As Chew starts to stand up, Usopp hits him again with the Usopp Hammer three times, then with the Usopp Wagoma, then again with the Usopp Hammer. After this series of attacks, Chew is K.O.ed and Usopp begins to celebrate his victory. He starts yelling that he can do it too and that the fish man shouldn’t underestimate him.
The scene moves to Cocoyasi Village, behind Nami and Nojiko’s house. Nami sits on a chair with her Bo staff, bandaging her shoulder after cutting herself with a knife. Nami begins to think that she has cried and complained enough and now she has to go to Arlong Park because everyone else is fighting.
The scene cuts to Arlong Park, with Arlong sitting in the middle of the scene in front of Zoro and Sanji knocked to the ground. A citizen of Cocoyasi village can’t believe his eyes. Yosaku wonders what Arlong did. Johnny mentions that the fish man only threw some water, but it knocked both Zoro and Sanji out, causing them to cough up blood. Luffy, meanwhile, is still sitting on the seabed, Nojiko trying to pump water out of him, and with his head in Genzo’s hands held just above the surface. One of Luffy’s fingers starts to move. As Sanji starts to get up, Yosaku yells at him not to get up. Johnny worries about Luffy’s situation. Arlong taunts the two that he doesn’t even have to touch them and that a little water is enough to kill them. He notes that this is the difference between their species. Sanji tells him to shut up and attacks him with a Poitrine Shoot, which Arlong easily dodges before attacking Sanji with water again, knocking him down. Coughing up blood, Sanji thinks that the fight is just a fishman’s game and that the splash of water feels like a shotgun blast. Sanji realizes that Arlong is on a completely different level. Arlong mocks Sanji again, saying that he should just die and that his life is worthless.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, Nami appears. Arlong tells her that he was going to kill the pirates and asks her why she came. Nami replies that she came to kill him. Arlong starts to laugh at this, commenting on how many times she’s tried to kill him over the past 8 years: by assassination, poisoning, or surprise attacks. He then tells her that she should know that it is impossible for humans to kill him. Arlong follows her and says he won’t kill her or let her escape and that she will be her cartographer forever.
The fisherman continues by commenting that he’s an understanding guy and that he doesn’t want to tie down a young woman if possible, so it would be better for him if Nami joins him of her own free will. He then makes Nami an offer: even though he plans to kill everyone present, if Nami joins Arlong as his cartographer, he will spare the lives of the citizens of Cocoyasi Village, but not Sanji and Zoro, as they angered him. Arlong asks Nami if she chooses to side with him and spare the villagers, or if she sides with the pirates and tries to fight him. He then comments that since their strongest fighters were incapacitated, defeat is inevitable. Arlong asks Nami again if she’s on his side or the pirates’ side. Nami begins to wonder what to choose, thinking that her single word can decide everyone’s life. She then remembers Luffy’s words that he will save her. While the villagers are angry that Arlong is forcing Nami to join him anyway, Nami thinks she can’t doubt her friends’ words. She then apologizes to all the villagers and asks them if they would die with her. All the villagers shout in agreement.
Then Luffy woke up and shot a stream of water from his mouth. Sanji comments that the plan worked and that all he has to do is free Luffy’s legs. Zoro realizes what the plan was. Johnny and Yosaku realize that Luffy is back. Genzo asks Luffy if he’s awake. Zoro and Sanji get up and the swordsman tells the cook that he has 30 seconds because he can’t take more than that. Sanji then jumps into the water, saying that this is more time than he needs. Arlong also realizes that Luffy is back. Zoro tells Arlong that he shouldn’t pay attention and calls him a half fish mutant. The fisherman threatens Zoro, telling him not to call him that anymore. Sanji is close to catching up with Luffy.
Suddenly, Usopp appears and shoots Arlong with Tamago Boshi. Usopp starts shouting that he will support Zoro. Johnny and Yosaku start to wonder where the sniper is and comment that he is brave. Usopp tells Zoro to fight without fear as they all realize that he was hiding in the hole in the wall that Sanji made earlier when Kuroobi hit him. Usopp happily tells Nami that he himself defeated one of the Arlong Pirates officers. Genzo asks Luffy if he will pull himself up, but Luffy replies that he feels no strength in his body. As Sanji almost reaches Luffy’s body, he tells himself that he is counting on Luffy, their only hope. However, Hatchan starts to stand up and says that he won’t let them do what they want.